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Here are my top 10 Game of Thrones Android apps: I also think that if smartphones were available in Game of Thrones that all of the characters would use Android…except Joffrey. So, I dug deep, searched for days, and uncovered some of the best Game of Thrones apps for Android.

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I cannot abide iOS taking the spotlight from Android in any facet, especially when it comes to one of my favorite series of all time. However, like most of my Android inquiries, search results were pushing me wholly towards iOS.

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This year I decided that I wanted a much more immersive Game of Thrones viewing experience, so I took to the internet to find some top notch apps. However, if you're unfamiliar with what's happened over the last 3 years at HBO then allow me to enlighten you: the new Game of Thrones season premiers every March.

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If you’re up on your pop-culture then you’ll immediately understand the reference. I would wager that an equal amount of people see March and think only one thing: Winter is coming. When the calendar ticks March people start to think about warmer weather, green grass, and sunshine.